Application of GIS and Remote Sensing in Agriculture and Climate Change

All training courses can be modified to suit the needs of extension services in form of Training of Trainers (ToT), or directly to the beneficiaries

About the Course
Agricultural and climate change intervention projects and programmes may fail to achieve the required outcomes and impacts due to non-use of GIS and remote sensing technology. A geographical information system (GIS) is a collection of hardware software, and procedures to collect, manage, retrieve, manipulate, analyze and display spatial data.

Remote sensing is the acquisition of information about an object or phenomenon without making physical contact with the object and thus in contrast to on-site observation, especially the Earth. This training workshop will equip participants with handy skills for use in spatial and Earth Observation (EO) as a tool to integrate knowledge about climate change, agriculture, and food security in a meaningful and innovative way.

Target Participants
This course is useful for agricultural professionals who use spatial data as part of their work and who need to make decisions from such data.

What you will learn
By the end of the course the learner should be able to:
• Use GIS as monitoring tool for projects and programmes activities in agriculture and climate change setup.
• Familiarize with spatial data availability
• Appreciate the role of spatial data infrastructure (SDI) in agriculture and climate change setup
• Use participatory GIS (PGIS) at community level
• Conduct agriculture and climate change modeling using GIS
• Collect data using Mobile data gathering tools
• Integrate GIS within new and existing activities in agriculture and climate change.

Course duration
5 days

Course Outline


Fundamentals of Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Definition of Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Why Monitoring and Evaluation is important
  • Key principles and concepts in M&E
  • M&E in project lifecycle
  • Participatory M&E

M&E Data Management

  • Different sources of M&E data
  • Qualitative data collection methods
  • Quantitative data collection methods
  • Participatory methods of data collection
  • Data Quality Assessment

Data Collection Tools and Techniques

  • Sources of M&E data –primary and secondary
  • Sampling during data collection
  • Qualitative data collection methods
  • Quantitative data collection methods
  • Participatory data collection methods
  • Introduction to data triangulation

Introduction to spatial data gathering and analysis in agriculture and climate change

  • Explanation of concepts
  • Exploration of interlinkages between agriculture and climate change

Introduction to GPS, GIS and Remote Sensing Principles

  • Principles of GIS and Remote Sensing
  • Components of GIS Systems
  • GIS Capabilities and Functions
  • Spatial Data Infrastructure
  • Introduction to GPS and Global Navigation Satellite

Data Acquisition in agriculture and climate change: Using Mobile based GPS (ODK)

  • Principles and concepts of GPS
  • Introduction to Mobile Data gathering
  • Getting started
  • Survey Authoring
  • GIS Mapping ODK collected data
  • Online web mapping with Google maps
  • Exporting to GIS /RS environment for further analysis
  • Hosting the data online

Data Acquisition and Database Design and Development

Data Acquisition in agriculture and climate change: Extraction of feature from other sources

  • Extracting data from Satellite images,
  • Extracting data from online GIS data sources
  • Importing data to GIS
  • Obtaining Data from topographic sheets
  • Downloading Data from open street maps

Database Design and development for agriculture and climate change programming

  • Working with spreadsheets data in GIS
  • Conceptual and logical database design
  • Building and coding the attributes
  • Digitizing and scanning of maps
  • Relating spatial and attribute data

Editing and management of GIS and Integrating Imagery and Remote Sensing into GIS

Editing and management of GIS in agriculture and climate change

  • Adding feature to GIS data
  • Reducing GIS data
  • cutting points of interest in image datasets
  • Transforming GIS data

Integrating Imagery and Remote Sensing into GIS in agriculture and climate change

  • Radiometric and atmospheric correction
  • Temporal normalization
  • Geo-coding and geo-referencing
  • Transformation
  • Signature development
  • Supervised Classification
  • Unsupervised Classification
  • Change detection
  • Accuracy assessment

Geo-Spatial Analysis and Introduction to cartographic visualization and the mapping process

Geo-Spatial Analysis in agriculture and climate change

  • Geo-processing
  • Creating views and themes
  • Working with themes
  • Working with attribute tables
  • Spatial query and analysis
  • Working with charts
  • Creating a map layout
  • Digital Cartography and Visualization

Introduction to cartographic visualization and the mapping process in agriculture and climate change

  • Components of a map
  • Map design
  • Symbol design
  • Name design and placement
  • Concept of scale
  • Map projections
  • Data pre-processing techniques
  • Thematic mapping;
  • Digital mapping

Online publishing of maps and GIS outputs

Online Publishing of agriculture and climate change maps and GIS outputs

  • Working with Google Maps and Fusion Tables
  • Publishing into other web based platforms

Case study

  • Case study of application of GIS and RS technology in agriculture and climate change
Course Leader

Dr. Moses Gweyi.

LinkedIn: mgweyi
LinkedIn: mgweyi

Standard Course Fee



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