Climate Finance in Mitigation and Adaptation against Climate Change

All training courses can be modified to suit the needs of extension services in form of Training of Trainers (ToT), or directly to the beneficiaries

About the Course

Climate finance is any flows of funds towards activities to help societies to reduce the greenhouse gases and impacts of climate change. The sources of such funds may be public, private, bilateral, and multilateral channels, towards climate mitigation and adaptation projects and initiatives. Financing the transition to a climate-resilient and low-carbon development remains a major challenge for most developing countries. This course aims to provide participants with the tools, methods, and approaches to access climate finance and invest in climate mitigation and adaptation actions. It will analyze the global climate finance landscape and present options and challenges for financing different countries’ nationally determined contributions (NDC). Understanding climate finance is crucial for policymakers, finance professionals, development practitioners, and anyone interested in addressing climate change effectively.

Target Participants

This course is ideal for professionals, practitioners, and stakeholders involved in finance, environmental sustainability, development, and policymaking.

What You Will Learn

By the end of this course the participants will be able to:

  • Gain understanding of climate change, its drivers, its risks and consequences, and the role of climate finance
  • Understand different climate initiatives and related governance and disclosure frameworks
  • To explore the roles of different stakeholders, including governments, international organizations, financial institutions, and the private sector, in mobilizing and deploying climate finance
  • Have knowledge and skills to identify, design, and implement climate finance initiatives and projects
  • To foster discussions on innovative approaches and best practices in climate finance, including green bonds, carbon markets, and climate-related risk management
  • Map the financial risks and opportunities of climate change

Course Duration

5 days

Climate Change Concepts

  • The science behind climate change
  • Climate change vulnerability and adaptation strategies
  • Climate change mitigation techniques
  • Impacts of climate change on various ecosystems
  • Role of human activities in climate change

Climate Change Policies and Plans

  • Overview of the UNFCCC and the Paris Climate Agreement
  • Developing and implementing Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)
  • Formulating National Adaptation Plans (NAPs)
  • National climate strategies, policies, and plans
  • International climate policy frameworks

Introduction to Climate Finance

  • Defining climate finance
  • Importance and relevance of climate finance in addressing climate change
  • Evolution and current landscape of climate finance

Key Concepts and Mechanisms

  • Climate finance instruments: grants, loans, equity, guarantees, etc.
  • Sources of climate finance: public, private, bilateral, multilateral
  • Climate finance architecture: Green Climate Fund, Global Environment Facility, etc.

Stakeholders in Climate Finance

  • Role of governments and international organizations
  • Private sector engagement: banks, investors, corporations
  • Civil society organizations
  • Community involvement

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Principles

  • ESG factors and financial performance
  • Investor preferences and demand for sustainable investments
  • ESG incorporation into investment strategies

Carbon Pricing

  • Importance of carbon pricing in climate change mitigation
  • Impact of Carbon Pricing
  • Corporate responses to carbon pricing: emissions reduction targets, carbon pricing internalization
  • Role of carbon pricing in achieving long-term climate goals

Climate Finance and Economic Growth

  • Relationship between climate finance, economic growth, and sustainable development
  • Climate finance as a driver of economic growth: job creation, infrastructure investment, technology transfer
  • Trade-offs between short-term economic growth and long-term sustainability
  • Financial barriers to climate action: access to finance, affordability, risk perception
  • Innovative financing models: climate insurance, blended finance

Global Climate Finance Landscape

  • Mapping out global climate finance mechanisms
  • Role of the UNFCCC in climate finance
  • Multilateral climate finance sources
  • Bilateral climate finance agreements
  • Effectiveness of current climate finance flows

Private Sector and Green Investment

  • Challenges in private sector green investments
  • Opportunities for private sector involvement in climate finance
  • Successful private sector green initiatives
  • Engaging private investors in climate finance
  • Leveraging public-private partnerships for green investments

Mainstreaming Gender into Climate Finance

  • Gender issues in climate finance
  • Integrating gender considerations into NDCs
  • Gender-responsive climate finance tools
  • Promoting gender equity in climate finance projects
  • Case studies on gender mainstreaming in climate finance (GCF, GEF, World Bank)

Challenges and Opportunities

  • Accessibility and affordability of climate finance
  • Transparency and accountability in funding mechanisms
  • Scaling up climate finance and innovative financing solutions

Designing Climate Finance Initiatives

  • Project identification and formulation
  • Financial structuring and risk assessment
  • Monitoring, evaluation, and adaptive management

Policy Implications and Future Directions

  • National and international policy frameworks
  • Role of climate finance in achieving SDGs
  • Emerging priorities and areas for further research and action

Successful climate finance projects and initiatives

  • Renewable Energy Investment
  • Energy Efficiency Programs
  • Reforestation and Afforestation Projects
  • Climate Resilience and Adaptation
  • Green Bonds
  • Community-Based Projects
Course Leader

Dr. Moses Gweyi.

LinkedIn: mgweyi
LinkedIn: mgweyi

Standard Course Fee



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