Food Security Policies Formulation and Implementation

All training courses can be modified to suit the needs of extension services in form of Training of Trainers (ToT), or directly to the beneficiaries

About the Course

Food security is defined as the condition in which all people, at all times, have physical, social, and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and preferences for an active and healthy life. It encompasses not only the availability of food but also the ability to access and afford it, as well as the stability of that access over time, free from environmental, political, or economic disruptions. This training course shall enlighten the participants on food policy formulation process and implementation that can enhance a food secure economy.

Target Participants

This course is strongly recommended for anybody with an interest in food security policies formulation and implementation. It is ideal for individuals working in governments, funding agencies, research and non-government organizations in agriculture and rural development.

What You Will Learn

By the end of this course the participants will be able to:

  • Appreciate the importance of policies aimed at improving food security.
  • Appreciate the role and functions of the relevant stakeholders in food security policy formulation and implementation.
  • Gain understanding on the sequence of steps performed in the process of food security policy formulation and implementation.
  • Determine the best policies for improving the food security situation.
  • Comprehend the relationship between food security policies and framework for action to combat hunger and alleviate food insecurity in a country. 

Course Duration

5 Days

Introduction and Background of food security policies

  • Basic concepts and terminologies
  • The need for food security policies
  • Features of food security policies
  • Aims of food security policies
  • Effects of policy interventions in food security

Establishment of a Food Security Policy Framework

  • Typical approaches to designing food security policies
  • Conceptual framework for food security policies
  • Subjects of food security policies
  • Policies with multiple effects on food security
  • Linkages to other policies, strategies & programmes

Institutional Framework for Food Security Policies

  • Institutional set-up  and coordination mechanism
  • Role and functions of government  institutions
  • Role of local and international NGOs
  • Role of Civil society Organizations (CSOs)
  • Role of donor agencies

Policy Formulation and Implementation

  • Policy analysis in the food industry
  • Initiation of policy process
  • Policy Formulation
  • Policy Implementation

Policy Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Purpose of FSP monitoring and evaluation
  • Monitoring and evaluation concepts
  • Approaches and methods
  • Evaluation criteria
  • Setting up an FSP monitoring and evaluation system
  • Linking M & E and food security information to other policy spheres
Course Leader

Dr. Moses Gweyi.

LinkedIn: mgweyi
LinkedIn: mgweyi

Standard Course Fee



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