Agriculture Value Chain Management and Market Linkages

All training courses can be modified to suit the needs of extension services in form of Training of Trainers (ToT), or directly to the beneficiaries

About the Course

An agricultural value chain refers to the full range of activities and processes involved in producing, processing, and distributing agricultural products. It involve multiple stakeholders, such as farmers, traders, processors, consumers, and policymakers, all playing key roles in its success. Agricultural value chain encompasses all stages, including input supply (seeds, fertilizers, equipment), production (farming or livestock raising), post-harvest handling (storage, processing, and packaging), and market distribution (wholesalers, retailers, and export markets). This comprehensive training course is designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills to effectively manage the value chain in agricultural sectors and establish robust market linkages for improved productivity and profitability.

Target Participants

The training is ideal for participants working in agricultural-based research, agribusiness value chain and market development, and agribusiness project management. It is also suitable to government officials working to strengthen the agricultural sector and NGO staff working on agribusinesses interventions.

What you will learn

By the end of this course the participants will be able to:

  • Explain the Value Chain, its concepts, principles and approaches and its role in sustainable agribusiness development
  • Understand the concept of value chain development and actor empowerment
  • Conduct a full value chain analysis
  • Identify the steps for building engagement among and between chain actors
  • Set up an effective monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment plan for a value chain development and actor empowerment process
  • Conduct risk management in value chain development and actor empowerment

Course duration

5 Days

Introduction to Agriculture Value Chain

  • Definition of value chain
  • Key concepts in value chain
  • Value chain cycle
  • Traditional selling systems compared with a value chain marketing system
  • Value chain marketing system
  • Value chain framework
  • Chain empowerment
  • Value chain development process

Value chain selection, mapping and analysis

Value chain selection

  • Chain mapping and assessment
  • Introduction to value chain selection process
  • Building engagement and chain development/upgrading
  • Chain monitoring and evaluation

Value chain mapping

  • Importance of value chain mapping
  • The value chain mapping process
  • Identifying the products
  • Listing of key activities
  • Identifying stakeholders
  • Determining how value is created or added at each stage
  • Analyzing flows and interactions
  • Identifying gaps or constraints
  • Proposing improvements.

Value Chain Analysis

  • Key concepts in value chain analysis
  • Value chain analysis process
  • Tools and techniques in value chain analysis
  • Case study: Value chain analysis

Analyzing market and market development

  • Introduction to market analysis
  • Supply, demand and price setting
  • Standards and certification
  • Analyzing competition
  • Group Exercise

Economic Sustainability

  • Analyzing Economic Sustainability of Value Chains
  •  Calculating costs, revenue, profit margin, value added, value share
  • Group work – the economic sustainability of selected value chains

Market Linkages

  • Introduction to market linkages
  • Types of market linkages
  • Factors affecting success of linkages
  • Enabling environment in market linkages

Value chain relations and governance

  • Types of value chain governance
  • Analyzing value chain relations and governance
  • Importance of VC relations and governance
  • Group work, presentation and discussion

Business Services and Finance

  • The role of chain supporters
  • Business development services
  • Introduction to Value Chain Financing
  • Type of Value Chain Finance
  • Instruments to promote agricultural value chain finance
  • Group work – Role of VCD facilitator in enhancing availability of BDS to small holder farmer

Chain Context: Macro-environment

  • The components of the macro- environment and their impact on value chain development
  • Advocacy:- influencing the macro environment; Group work – PESTLE analysis of selected value chain

Developing Strategies for Chain Empowerment

  • Introducing chain empowerment strategies
  • Group work/case study on chain empowerment

Building Engagement and Chain Development

  • Building engagement: obtaining “buy-in” from stakeholders
  • Introduction to strategy development

Monitoring and Evaluation of VC Development Projects

  • Introduction; reiteration of concepts and terminology;
  • Development of indicators and selection of analytical tools
  • Development of Performance Measurement Framework
  • Evaluation of VC and Market Linkages Projects
  • Impact Assessment of VC and Market Linkages Projects

Chain Learning and Innovation

  • Introduction and examples

Competencies and Roles of chain development facilitator’s and support agencies

  • Roles of chain development facilitator’s, and support agencies
  • The do’s and don’ts of facilitators; Key competencies of VCD facilitators
  • Action planning
  • Course evaluation

Agriculture Value Chain Project Design 

  • Formulation of the project goal statement
  • Project causal pathway design
  • Development of a logical framework

Gender Mainstreaming in Agriculture Value Chain 

  • Gender Analysis in Value Chains
  • Integrating Gender Issues into Agricultural Value Chain Process
  • Constraints in Gender Integration in Value Chains
Course Leader

Dr. Moses Gweyi.

LinkedIn: mgweyi
LinkedIn: mgweyi

Standard Course Fee



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