Data Collection and Management using CSPRO

All training courses can be modified to suit the needs of extension services in form of Training of Trainers (ToT), or directly to the beneficiaries

About the Course

Data collection is a crucial component of any developmental project. In the past, it was primarily conducted using paper and pen, which often led to errors and posed challenges when managing large-scale efforts. This course is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the CSPRO software and its application in data collection and management. CSPRO is a powerful tool widely used in surveys, research, and data collection projects. This course aims to equip participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to efficiently collect, manage, and analyze data using CSPRO.

Target Participants

The course is useful for professionals who use data as part of their work and who need to make decisions from data analysis. This course does not assume prior knowledge of CSPRO or any other data collection platform.

What you will Learn

By the end of this course the participants will be able to:

  • Convert paper forms/questionnaires into digital forms that can be used for mobile data collection and case management
  • Design and implement data entry forms using CSPRO.
  • Perform data quality control and validation checks.
  • Manage data files and datasets using CSPRO.
  • Analyze and export data for further analysis.
  • Ensure data security and confidentiality.
  • Troubleshoot common issues encountered during data collection and management.

Course Duration

5 Days

Module 1: Introduction

  • Benefits of Mobile Applications
  • Data and types of Data
  • Introduction to  common mobile based data collection platforms
  • Managing devices
  • Challenges of Data Collection
  • Data aggregation, storage and dissemination
  • Questionnaire Design
  • Question types
  • GPS concepts

Module 2: Introduction to CSPRO and Designing of Data Entry Forms

Introduction to CSPRO

  • Overview of CSPRO software and its capabilities
  • Installing and setting up CSPRO
  • Navigating the CSPRO interface and menu options

Designing Data Entry Forms

  • Creating a data entry form in CSPRO
  • Defining variables and data types
  • Designing user-friendly and efficient data entry screens

Data Validation and Quality Control

  • Implementing data validation rules in CSPRO
  • Setting up range checks and logical conditions
  • Identifying and resolving data quality issues 

Module 3: Data Entry, Editing, Cleaning and Transformation

Data Entry and Editing

  • Conducting data entry using CSPRO
  • Editing and modifying data entries
  • Applying consistency checks during data entry 

Data Cleaning and Transformation

  • Techniques for data cleaning and transformation
  • Identifying and handling missing data
  • Converting and recoding variables

Module 4: Data Management, Exporting and Reporting

Managing Data Files and Datasets

  • Creating and managing data files in CSPRO
  • Merging and appending datasets
  • Organizing and documenting data files

Data Export and Reporting

  • Exporting data from CSPRO to other formats (e.g., Excel, SPSS)
  • Generating basic reports and summary statistics
  • Creating customized data exports for analysis 

Module 5: Data Security, Troubleshooting/Support

Data Security and Confidentiality

  • Implementing data security measures
  • Ensuring data confidentiality and privacy
  • Handling sensitive data during data collection and management 

Troubleshooting and Support

  • Common issues and challenges in data collection using CSPRO
  • Troubleshooting techniques and tips
  • Utilizing available resources and support options
Course Leader

Dr. Moses Gweyi.

LinkedIn: mgweyi
LinkedIn: mgweyi

Standard Course Fee



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