Data Collection and Management using KoBoToolBox

All training courses can be modified to suit the needs of extension services in form of Training of Trainers (ToT), or directly to the beneficiaries

About the Course

Data collection is a crucial component of any developmental project. In the past, it was primarily conducted using paper and pen, which often led to errors and posed challenges when managing large-scale efforts. KoBoToolbox is a suite of tools for field data collection for use in challenging environments. The software is free and open source. It allows data collection using Android-enabled mobile devices and data submission to an online server. This training on mobile data collection using KoBoToolBox will equip the participants with skills to develop, implement and manage mobile data collection platforms using KoboToolbox.

Target Participants

The course is useful for professionals who use data as part of their work and who need to make decisions from data analysis. This course does not assume prior knowledge of KoboToolBox or any other data collection platform.

What you will Learn

By the end of this course the participants will be able to:

  • Convert paper forms/questionnaires into digital forms that can be used for mobile data collection and case management
  • Create survey forms using Build or XLSForms
  • Set up Form Builder, Kobo Collect and KoboToolbox
  • Upload forms to KoboToolbox server
  • Load forms into Kobo Collect on an Android device
  • Use Kobo Collect to fill out forms with field participants
  • Upload survey data from Kobo Collect to KoboToolbox server
  • Analyze and manage collected data


5 Days


Mobile Data gathering

  • Benefits of Mobile Applications
  • Data and types of Data
  • Introduction to  common mobile based data collection platforms
  • Managing devices
  • Challenges of Data Collection
  • Data aggregation, storage and dissemination
  • Questionnaire Design
  • Question types

KoboToolbox and KoboCollect

Introduction to KoboToolbox

  • Components of KoboToolbox
  • Kobo Form builder
  • KoboCollect
  • KoboToolbox server

Setting up KoBoCollect

  • KoBoCollect Installation from google play
  • Manual installation of KoBoCollect
  • KoBoCollect Menus, Settings and Security
  • Best practices for KoBoCollect

KoboToolBox Server and Designing/Creating Forms

KoboToolBox Server

  • Configuring KoboToolBox  Server
  • Setting up local server
  • Uploading the form to KoboToolBox  Server
  • Managing forms in KoboToolBox  Server
  • Working with submitted data in KoboToolBox  Server
  • Administering KoboToolBox  Server

Designing and Creating forms using Formbuilder

  • Designing forms online using Formbuilder
  • Uploading forms to KoboToolBox  Server
  • Form properties

Survey Authoring using XLS Form and Field Data Collection

Designing and Creating form using XLS form

  • Introduction to XLSForm
  • Components of XLSForm
  • Question types
  • Form Logic, styling, language
  • Form operators and functions
  • Constraints & Skips
  • Form validation
  • Uploading form to KoboToolBox  Server

Using KoboCollect for field data collection

  • Filling forms in KoBoCollect
  • Managing forms in KoBoCollect
  • Collecting different types of data
  • Advanced use and best practices
  • Submitting data to KoboToolBox  Server

Data Management and Visualization

Data Management

  • Exporting data from KoboToolBox  Server as CSV
  • Downloading data in different formats
  • Formatting data for further analysis using statistical applications
  • Outputting data through Google spreadsheet

Visualizing Geographic Data

  • Exporting GPS Coordinates to Google maps
  • Exporting GPS data for Mapping/Visualizing
  • Visualizing GIS data using QGIS
Course Leader

Dr. Moses Gweyi.

LinkedIn: mgweyi
LinkedIn: mgweyi

Standard Course Fee



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